Important Update: Removal of CentOS 7 Eclipse Temurin Images

We would like to inform our users that as of July 16th, Eclipse Temurin images with the CentOS 7 base will be removed. This decision comes in light of CentOS 7 reaching its End of Life (EOL) on June 30th, 2024. No further updates or support will be provided for CentOS 7, and to ensure the continued security and stability of your applications, we recommend migrating to the UBI9-minimal images.

Key Changes

  • CentOS 7 EOL: As CentOS 7 has reached its EOL, it will no longer receive updates or support.
  • Removal Date: CentOS 7 based Eclipse Temurin images will be removed in the PSU release on July 16th.
  • New Base Image: All users should migrate to the ubi9-minimal images.

Migration Guide

To assist with this transition, here is a simple migration guide. If you are currently using an image like 17-jdk-centos7, you should update your Dockerfile to use 17-jdk-ubi9-minimal.

Example Migration

Old Dockerfile using CentOS 7:

FROM eclipse-temurin:17-jdk-centos7

# Your application setup here

New Dockerfile using UBI9-minimal:

FROM eclipse-temurin:17-jdk-ubi9-minimal

# Your application setup here

Important Note on Package Manager

When migrating to UBI9-minimal, note that the package manager differs from CentOS 7. Instead of yum, you will need to use microdnf. While we encourage the transition to UBI9-minimal, it is important to note that there may be fewer packages available in the UBI9-minimal repositories compared to CentOS 7. This could potentially impact the migration of some applications. We recommend reviewing your application’s dependencies and verifying the availability of required packages in UBI9-minimal ahead of the migration.

Example Package Installation

Using yum in CentOS 7:

RUN yum install -y some-package

Using microdnf in UBI9-minimal:

RUN microdnf install -y some-package


For more details on the End of Life for CentOS 7, you can refer to the official announcement by Red Hat: CentOS Linux EOL.

If you have any questions or need further assistance with the migration, please create a GitHub issue.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in ensuring a smooth transition.


Do you have questions or want to discuss this post? Hit us up on the Adoptium Slack workspace!

George Adams

Posted by George AdamsJava Program Manager @microsoft, Chair of Adoptium WG Steering Committee, Core Collaborator @nodejs